AIDS Hotline and HIV Testing Service
AIDS Counselling and Testing Service (ACTS)
AIDS Counselling and Testing Service (ACTS) under AIDS Unit of the Department of Health's Special Preventive Programme, operates by the principle of voluntary counselling & testing (VCT). It is the provision of HIV counselling and testing to clients on a voluntary basis. In Hong Kong, aside from the Department of Health, non-governmental organisations also provide VCT services.
ACTS provides VCT service by specially trained nurse counsellors through two hotlines, the AIDS Hotline (852) 2780 2211 & Gay Men HIV Testing Hotline (852) 21171069. The HIV testing service is anonymous, confidential and free of charge. The service is provided by appointment only. Other than over the phone, appointment booking service is also available at the HIV Testing Service website.
As the test is anonymous, all clients will be identified solely by a code number. The HIV testing takes about an hour which includes HIV risk behavioural assessment, counselling and psychological support. Blood is taken for the following tests as appropriate:
- Rapid HIV antibody test: sampling a small droplet of blood by finger-prick and the result will be available in 20 minutes.
- Conventional tests of HIV and Syphilis: approximately 10 ml of venous blood will be drawn and sent to laboratory for confirmation; the result will be available after 10 working days.
The test results would be disclosed in person; they will not be released over the phone. Psychological support and referral to other services as appropriate is part and parcel of VCT.
Service hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 am – 5:15 pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed
Barrier Free Access Facilities of this clinic: accessible entrance, lift, tactile guide path and accessible toilets. For enquiry about barrier free access facilities, please contact the Access Officer at tel. (852) 2195 6541.