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What's new 05/02/2005

The Forgotten Tragedy ‧The Unforgettable Trauma - Addressing the needs of people affected by haemophilia and HIV infection in Hong Kong

Advisory Council on AIDS published the final report of "The Forgotten Tragedy ‧ The Unforgettable Trauma - Addressing the needs of people affected by haemophilia and HIV infection in Hong Kong". The report described how persons living with hameophilia and HIV infection and their carers are coping with their medical and psychosocial stresses. Twenty-five patients and their cares were interviewed. Nine areas where stresses are causing significant problems were identified. The report also made eight recommendations to address the unmet needs of the patients and their cares.

"The Forgotten Tragedy ‧ The Unforgettable Trauma" (PDF file) can be downloaded at Document Cabinet of the Virtual AIDS Office of Hong Kong


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