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What's new 27-09-2013

New HIV treatment guide for digital age

New HIV treatment guide for digital ageEver since the discovery of the HIV virus in the early 1980s, scientific advances have progressed at such a remarkable pace that it is hard to catch up with the latest developments. The Department of Health Centre for Health Protection joined the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to produce an updated HIV Manual, which is officially released today (27 September 2013). The Manual, edited by Professor SS Lee, is the third edition of the publication since its first launching in 2001.

One unique feature of the new Manual is its availability in digital format. HIV Manual 3rd edition is housed at its designated internet website For the convenience of mobile phone users, it can be downloaded as an Android App from Google Play ( ) or iPhone App from iTunes ( The print version is in limited supply from Centre for Health Protection. There are a total of 34 chapters in the Manual, all of which were written by experienced specialists in Hong Kong, after thorough review of scientific literature and in context of the needs of the local community. With the increasing number of antiretroviral medicines used for treating HIV/AIDS, an interactive table is designed that integrates all essential information on each and every HIV medicine, for the easy reference of busy frontline doctor. As an appendix to the digital HIV Manual, this table, named Anti-HIV Med, exists also as an independent App (Android App at Google Play and iPhone App at iTunes) and can be reached at its website

HIV Manual 3rd edition addresses such practical questions as: When should an HIV infected person be put on antiretroviral therapy? What medicines and which dosages should be used? How effective is treatment for HIV/AIDS patients? How should complications like TB be managed? What should be done if a health care worker is found to be HIV infected? What are the blood tests required in monitoring HIV treatment? How is HIV surveillance conducted? HIV Manual is a reference for health care workers, trainees as well as students in nursing, medicine and other health care disciplines. Production of the digital Manual is supported by the Council for the AIDS Trust Fund.


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